COVID-19 Update

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and based on recommendations from the department of health and our various levels of government, we have canceled church services up to and including Apr 5th. As you have no doubt seen in the media, the nature and severity of the response to this virus is changing on an almost daily basis so at this point we have no idea if we will be able to the resume regular services after Apr 5th.

Pastor Juanita is exploring and using a variety of ways of keeping in contact with everyone in the congregation through this unknown time using a variety of types of technology ranging from phone calls to email to possibly video conferencing.

Although it may seem like an over reaction we would also like to encourage everyone to follow health department guidelines pertaining to social distancing. Unfortunately this means minimizing contact through such activities as meeting together in homes for meals or other social activities. We would like to encourage everyone to maintain social contact through phone calls, email, etc with everyone. Also, making sure that you are taking appropriate social distance precautions, please reach out and help anyone who might need help. Just making a phone call to see how someone is doing or offering to pick up a few groceries for someone who is less able to get out can make a big difference.

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